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Discover the keys to childbirth advocacy in Pensacola, FL. Bringing a life into this world is an incredible journey. At the same time, it can be daunting, especially for new mothers. As you prepare for childbirth, it is crucial that you remember you have a voice and the right to advocate for yourself and for […]

Pensacola, FL Newborn Photographer | Childbirth Advocacy

Pensacola, FL Newborn Photographer

Close up black and white image of dad fist bumping newborn baby's fist

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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation, joy, and countless memorable moments. One way to cherish and celebrate this magical time is through a maternity photography session. At Pic a Posie Photography, we believe in capturing the glow and essence of this special phase. One question I frequently get asked is “When should I […]

Pensacola, FL Maternity Photography | When To Hold Your Session

Pensacola, FL Maternity Photographer

close up. image. of. expecting parents holding. hands and rainbow onesie laying on their lap.

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Bringing a new life into the world is a magical experience, but let’s be real—labor can be challenging. If you’re expecting and looking for ways to ease the journey, a birthing ball might just become your best friend during those active labor hours. Let’s dive into why this simple yet effective tool can be a […]

Navarre, FL Newborn Phototgrapher | Birthing Ball Benefits

Navarre, FL Newborn Photographer

close up image of expecting mom belly with parents embracing belly

Images Courtesy of Pic a Posie Photography

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