Baby girl Ainsley was so precious during her newborn session. Mom followed my newborn prep guide and we were able to move right along with poses. My newborn prep guide has a lot of tips on how to help prepare your baby for a newborn session with me. New and repeat parents love receiving it so they get the best possible chance for more poses!

Big sister Hailey was just as adorable. She was so proud to show off her new baby sister. She would come up to me and point at her sister and say “baby Ainsley”. Hailey was also very curious when I was wrapping up her sister and watched me closely. When I needed help grabbing something, Hailey was excited to help me out. She was the perfect little assistant!

Once we swaddled little Ainsley up, she was zonked out. Placing baby’s wrapped up in a basket is my favorite pose. It looks so natural and cozy. How cute is that little heart in her hand and her rainbow jeweled headband!

Purple was the perfect color for this little lady. One thing I love to incorporate into my girl sessions is lace. I think it is very delicate, girly and creates a soft timeless look. Next we moved to table poses. She was so happy and content being wrapped up on her back. We captured all those little details of her hands and toes!

The side laying pose is another favorite pose of mine. Gently placing their tiny hands and fingers under their faces, makes for a natural look. Adding in a little teddy bear in this pose is a must because…well…just look at how it turns out!
I always say my clients are the best and it is true again! I loved capturing these images for Mom and Dad to share with their children as they grow older. Sibling and family images are always encouraged, as they are included with every newborn session. Being able to see the connection as siblings and a family when they were little is a memory that you just cannot live without.

Pic a Posie Photography specializes in maternity, newborn, baby and milestone session. Offering clients a one of a kind experience by using a reveal wall to view their images.
View the video below to see what it is like to be a Pic a Posie Photography client!
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Pic a Posie Photography studio is located at
913 Gulf Breeze, PKWY, Suite 9
Serving Surrounding Areas Such As Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Cantonment, Milton, Pace, Crestview, Perdido Key, Navarre, Destin, Niceville And Also Southeast Alabama Areas Such As Mobile, Foley, Orange Beach, Gulf Shores And Many More.
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